
Giving back is important to me as a Christian. We are called upon to help those in need. I will answer that call using my talents to the best of my ability.

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Matthew 25:40-41

Unlocking Autism
Position: Board member, Director of Technology

Unlocking Autism, founded in February of 1999, grew out of a concern that children were being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders at an alarming rate and yet the public was uninformed. Our primary mission for the organization is to bring the issues of autism from individual homes to the forefront of national dialogue. We strive to join parents and professionals in one concerted effort to fight for these children who cannot lift their voices to the nation for help. We work diligently to educate parents about pending legislation, existing laws, as well as biomedical and behavioral treatment options. We assist parents of newly diagnosed children by providing direction through our Parent 2 Parent Network and support hotline in an effort to network families across the country. We raise funds for biomedical research, behavioral research and projects. We work to increase society’s ability to work with and understand people with autism.

We strive to help those on the autism spectrum reach their greatest potential in leading fulfilling and productive lives in relationships, society and employment. Unlocking Autism’s programs and projects include the following: The Open Your Eyes National Autism Awareness Project, Wings for Little Angels Flight Assistance program where donated miles are used to transport needy families and their children with autism to treatment facilities and physicians across the country, The UA State Representative Program, A National Call Center & Hotline (active 1/2003), The Power of ONE! National Autism Awareness Rally (held annually), Conferences and rallies held on state levels designed to educate families about the importance of media and the political realm in order to affect change in our community, The Parent 2 Parent Network, a Nationwide Public Service Announcement campaign, The Kidz Korner which provides families of children with autism with creative ideas for activities to increase family interaction and Media Outreach.

Position: Founder, Chairman of the Board

In the fall of 2014, I was sitting in church listening to a sermon on Matthew 25, specifically the parable about the talents.  I sat in the pew being convicted by the Holy Spirit to do something to help the Kingdom of God.  I came to a quick determination that I was just being greedy living my own life when God had given me a very advanced quiver of talents I could be using to help others.  With over 20 years experience in the book sales industry I figured I could use my technology background and knowledge of the book industry to somehow help raise funds for non-profits and individuals through book sales.  Soon my outreach ministry, Books For Blessings, was busy selling books and doing the fulfillment.  Over the years we were able to financially bless a number of non-profits and individuals.

This was never an official organization or company.  It was something I did to just try and be part of something that was bigger than myself and to help extend the gospel.  Since it was just part of my sole proprietorship, I paid taxes on the money I gave away.  It wasn’t really becoming feasible to continue to pay taxes on the money I donated because I couldn’t take the donations as a tax write off.  Something had to change for me to grow the ministry.

In early 2024, the idea for OUTREACH25 came rapidly into existence. This is a non-profit focused primarily on families with critically sick, injured, disabled, or terminal children and to be the hands and feet of Christ to the least of these.  This journey will be both joyful and sad at the same time.  We hope you join with us on this mission and serve with us for the sake of serving.